Due to many issues, the PTCIA has made the decision to postpone the 2023 International Championships:
- Freight schedules have not been locked in by shipping companies. Planning for the shipping of a container to Australia and return is not possible at this stage. Given the high level of uncertainty and volatile shipping schedules, any freighting plan would have to include a lengthy buffer period prior to Easter to have confidence that the container would be delivered in time for the contest.
- Sponsorship from the previous shipping sponsor has not been secured. Enquiries with other shipping companies have also not been successful so far.
- Shipping costs have approximately doubled since the last Australian contest (2018) therefore it is estimated that the cost per boat could be up to $4,000 or more.
- Overall travel costs have also increased and are expected to remain higher than previous years.
The Australian Association acknowledged all the issues faced by the NZ team and was appreciative of the open and early communication regarding attendance at the contest. It conceded that if an Australian team were travelling, then they would face similar issues.
The value of the international contest to the PT class is very high. It encourages many new members and stimulates attendance to national contests. Both associations are committed to finding ways to get the contest re-instated, including options:
- Exploring a different frequency of contests;
- Looking at boat leasing by visiting team;
- Further enquiries with shipping companies;
- Looking at other freight formats (roll-on-roll-off) and cost;
- Exploring further sponsorship opportunities.
The respective associations would inform their members accordingly and would pursue discussions at forthcoming AGM meetings. If anything should change regarding the key issues, then discussion at the PTCIA level could and should be opened again immediately. The convening of future international contests will continue to be held in review, and the PTCIA will meeting again in 2023 for further discussion.
Any further information or questions can be submitted to Neil -